Melanoma Skin Cancer – Now Bed Bound and No Running

Bed bound is a change of pace. But when you find out you have Melanoma skin cancer, it’s a starting point. That mole on my leg that I’ve mentioned previously. I had it removed. Then after a wait the pathology results came back. Turns out it was more sinister...

Running Blog To Running Vlog

Adding a running vlog onto my running blog. Running is a big part of my life. I have taken running seriously for over 20 years. I’m not an elite. Far from it. Very much an amateur. Yet running helps me feel alive. Why A Running Vlog? Last year for...

Running And Skin Checks

In the harsh sun of Australia, running and skin checks should go hand in hand. Interrupting my running to have a skin check. I was actually a little bit nervous.  Take Good Advice I finally listened to my wife and got a skin check. Make sure everything’s all right....

Less Running and More Other Stuff: New Goals

Chasing new goals leads me to less running in my new training plan. There’s nothing like a forced lay off due to injury to have you re-evaluate your goals and training. A foot injury ended my training program for the Surf Coast Century this year. Over the last few...

Injured Runner Priorities: 5 Steps To Get Back To Running

What are the priorities for the injured runner? What is the best way back from injury? Most injured runners want to get back to full training immediately. We also often try to continue through injury. Often to our own detriment. Instead of hoping for the best and making the...

Long Run For 100km Trail Race: Training

How to approach the long run for 100km trail race. There’s an important concept we need to get our heads around. The speed we race a 100km race is relatively slow. Compared to your 5km or half marathon speed, 100km is run significantly slower. This needs to be remembered when...

Tempo Run For 100km Trail Race

Build your speed for a 100km running race. It might be easier than you thought. Including a tempo run for 100km training can give impressive results. Working on your base endurance will get you most of the way for a 100km race. But we want to get all the...