4 Week Running Plan: How I Set Training
How do you plan the first four weeks of training after you’ve had a long break from running? This post will take you through my plan. 4 Week Running Plan To start out with I’m working in four week blocks. The reason for 4 week blocks it tends to...
Redefine Your Easy: Not Just Slow Running
The body is inherently lazy. It is clever in finding ways to have you take the easy way out. When training towards big goals we need to get past this. Check your base point of training and redefine your easy. Defining Easy Easy is a relevant concept. I’ve written about...
Make Running Add To Life: Training Log
Running shouldn’t get in the way of life. It has recently for me. This impacts others. I have changed my approach to make running add to life instead. Let’s see if it works. Last week went a little something life this: 10km Easy + Strength 8km Easy 8km Easy 5km Easy...
The Power Of Easy Runs
Why is it so hard to get easy runs right? Attention always goes to the high flyers. The threshold runs, the VO2max intervals, the long runs, the hill repeats, they hog the limelight. What about the easy run? Is it too basic? Too run-of-the-mill? We do more...