Wings For Life World Run 2019 – Lessons Learned
There were some lessons learned at the Wings For Life Word Run in Melbourne, 2019.
1. Watch
2. Cadence
3. Decoupling
4. Fun
My Biggest Race Weakness: How To Fix Your Race Pacing
Pull apart my biggest race weakness. You learn a lot from mistakes. Learn from mine. Learn from my mistakes and fix your race pacing. Pacing Over the years I’ve prided myself on my pacing skills. I can run an out and back course and hit my return...
Hard Core 100: Race Week Doubts
What goes through your head in the week before a big race? Doubts are normal. Here I share my strategies for overcoming race week doubts. Only a couple days out from my first 100 mile race. I’m nervous. Despite having raced many different ultra distance races, this will be...
Wings For Life 2018
Putting down some big goals for Wings For Life 2018. I hoped to regain the running form from 10 years ago. Back when I had less commitments in life. From where my fitness was back in December last year, it was going to be a very big ask. The...
Half Marathon Emergency Services Games 2018
There’s racing. Then there’s racing the hard way. The Victoria Police & Emergency Services Games Half Marathon 2018 was definitely the hard way. Even though my training has been aimed at future events, I felt it would have me on track for this race. During the week I...
10km Cross Country: Emergency Services Games 2018
Days like today are needed. Running provides more than just fitness and competition. Motivation for running has been low this week. My mind has been on other concerns. Things I cannot control. Challenges and worry many of us face. A good run can help get those thoughts on...