Before The First Step Of Running: Returning After Time Off
They say a journey begins with the first step. But it begins before that. Getting back to running after injury, melanoma, skin graft and rehab I had to rebuild back up to that first step. This 2020 journey begins with a less-than-ideal 2019. The main event was finding out...
Skin Graft Update: 5 Weeks After Melanoma Surgery
Just had the week five check up on my skin graft. Here’s the update… It’s healing well but not perfectly at this stage. A couple of days earlier I was a little concerned. There seemed to be a bit of splitting around the edges. I wasn’t too sure if...
Melanoma Skin Cancer – Now Bed Bound and No Running
Bed bound is a change of pace. But when you find out you have Melanoma skin cancer, it’s a starting point. That mole on my leg that I’ve mentioned previously. I had it removed. Then after a wait the pathology results came back. Turns out it was more sinister...